Oregon Homeowner Assistance Fund

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The COVID-19 pandemic has made it hard for many Oregonians to keep up with mortgage payments and other essential obligations. The Oregon Homeowner Assistance Fund uses funds distributed as part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to help those who have fallen behind on their mortgage payments and other housing expenses.
The Oregon Homeowner Assistance Fund includes two programs to provide relief:
Past-Due Payment Relief
The Past-Due Payment Relief Program provides eligible homeowners with money to eliminate or reduce past-due eligible housing costs, including payments under a forbearance plan, forward or reverse mortgages, property taxes, insurance, homeowners’ association (HOA) dues, and more.
Ongoing Payment Relief
The Ongoing Payment Relief Program provides eligible homeowners with money to cover all or some of their monthly mortgage and housing cost payments going forward.
Eligible homeowners include those who meet program income limit requirements, have experienced financial hardship after January 21, 2020 due to the pandemic, as well as other requirements as part of the phased opening of assistance.
What’s next?
Learn more about the Homeowner Assistance Fund program details.