Get Assistance

Oregon Housing and Community Services will never ask you to pay a fee to apply or get information. If you have additional questions or need assistance with your application, please contact:  

Oregon Housing and Community Services
Phone: 833-604-0879 
Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Key Resources

*For homeowners of low or moderate income who need assistance in languages other than English, contact a homeownership center, which can provide translation services.

Homeownership Centers which are offering assistance with the HAF application process are listed here.

More Mortgage Relief Options & Assistance

The Oregon Homeowner Assistance Fund is not the only way to get mortgage relief or assistance. If you need other types of assistance or have mortgage relief questions, contact your mortgage servicer, 211, or a local Oregon housing counselor for more options. 

Other Mortgage Relief Options

Contact 211

Phone Number (available 24/7): 211 or 866-698-6155
Text your ZIP Code to 898211 (TXT211) 
Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday

Find a Local Housing Counselor

Housing counselors are knowledgeable, dedicated, and experienced professionals who are certified and specialized in helping homeowners in various stages of the housing experience. You can meet one on one with a free housing counselor to discuss your personal situation and your loss mitigation options (steps to avoid disclosure). The counselor also can advocate on your behalf with a mortgage servicer. Search our full list of housing counselors by county

Legal Aid

The Oregon Homeowner Legal Assistance (OHLA) project is closed an unable to take any referrals. Please see the other legal resources below for help in your area.

Other Legal Resources

OHCS cannot advise on legal matters. For questions related to housing issues, please contact one of the following organizations: 

Other Resources

To file a complaint against your mortgage company or mortgage servicer, you can file a complaint with the Division of Financial Regulation at Division of Financial Regulation : File a complaint.

To check whether a company offering foreclosure relief services is properly registered as a debt management service provider with the Division of Financial Regulation go to Consumer Access (

Foreclosure Relief Scams

If you believe you have been solicited for, or have been victim to, a foreclosure relief scam, file a complaint with the Division of Financial Regulation at Division of Financial Regulation : File a complaint.

Report Fraud

If you suspect fraud or misrepresentation of the Oregon Homeowner Assistance Fund, report your concern to us for immediate review. We reserve the right to decline funding or participation if it is determined that fraud has occurred.  

Report fraud to: